Interfilm Festival | SP 08: Teenage Riot!
INTERFILM 38 International Short Film Festival Berlin
SP 08 Teenage Riot!
— DEU–
Wie magisch kann Abschied nehmen sein? Wir skaten durch laue Sommerabende und tanzen auf Tischen. Doch manchmal müssen wir all unseren Mut zusammen nehmen, um endlich über unsere Ängste zu sprechen, um endlich auszubrechen aus ungesunden Strukturen. Befreit, vergnügt und sehr emotional erkunden wir neue Wege, damit wir auch im hohen Alter offen und jung bleiben.
Farewells can be so magical. We skate through balmy summer evenings and dance on tables. But sometimes we have to muster all our courage to finally talk about our fears, in order to break out of unhealthy structures at last. Liberated, exhilarated and deeply emotional, we explore new paths so that we can remain open and youthful even in our old age.
Program: 4 films
La Fièvre
Matias Carlier // Switzerland // 2021 // 20:00 min
Live Action
For Aleister and Joana, it’s goodbye for now. They spend their last evening together, skateboarding through the city at night in search of themselves and a shared perspective.
Tone Ottilie // Denmark // 2021 // 30:00 min
Live Action
When Liv falls in love with Anna, she faces a big hurdle. She suffers from OCD and sees only germs, mould and maggots everywhere: How can she express her affection to Anna when every kiss and every touch seems unbearable for her?
It Blooms at Night
Jasmijn Kooijman // Sweden // 2021 // 13:39 min
Live Action
Lente revisits her grandmother Siri, who lives alone on the Swedish island of Öland, after a long time away and immerses herself in a weightless, nostalgic world of caring and shared memories.
Techno, Mama
Saulius Baradinskas // Lithuania // 2021 // 18:00 min
Live Action
Nikita finds escape from his unbearable and frustrating everyday life in music and dancing to techno. Completely contrary to his mother’s ideas, his greatest wish is to move to Berlin.
Date: 20. November 2022, 18:30
Venue: Unterfilm Clubkino / Saarbrücker Str. 23, im Keller unter dem Jugendclub, 10405 Berlin
Tickets: 9 EUR, or 7 EUR with Berliner Pass or Student I.D.
Promoter: Fernando Huerta for Mobile Kino
Sunday 20 November
Unterfilm Clubkino
Fernando Huerta for Mobile Kino