Interfilm Festival | SP 04: Spotlight: BELARUS
INTERFILM 38 International Short Film Festival Berlin
— DEU–
Von den heidnischen Wurzeln bis in die Gegenwart zeigt Spotlight: Belarus die historischen, kulturellen und sozialen Aspekte eines europäischen Landes, das für sein politisches Regime berüchtigt ist. Das Programm beleuchtet die Zeiten des Wohlstands, den Kampf um die Freiheit und das Leid der brutal unterdrückten Menschen im Land. Auf der Leinwand sprechen die Filmemacher*innen mit Satire, Metaphern und Musik die verletzlichsten und schmerzhaftesten Themen an, beleuchten das Unrecht und ziehen die Täter zur Rechenschaft. Es beginnt auf der Ebene des einzelnen Menschen und endet mit ganz Belarus zwischen Hoffnung und Zerstörung.
From pagan roots to the present day, Spotlight: Belarus reveals the historical, cultural, and social aspects of a European country infamous for its political regime. The program highlights the country’s times of prosperity, fight for freedom, and sorrows of the brutally oppressed. On screen, the filmmakers vividly address the most vulnerable and painful topics with satire, metaphors, and music, shedding light on injustice and holding the perpetrators accountable. This compelling story of hope and devastation begins at the level of a single human being and ultimately features the whole of Belarus.
Program: 11 films
Budzma Belarusami
Let’s Be Belarusians
Yulia Ruditskaya // Belarus // 2011 // 05:30 min
From the creation of the world until 1991: the first animated film covering Belarusian history.
Mamie, Vanya et la Chèvre
Granny, Vanya and the Goat
Daria Yurkevich // France, Belarus // 2014 // 15:00 min
Live Action
Grandma Sima is worried about her alcoholic son’s future. Alas, as bad luck would have it, the village’s main vodka producer lives right next door. Manya, a white goat, is her only consolation.
Ляпис 98 – Брежнев
Lyapis 98 – Brezhnev
Carolina Poliakowa / Anna Crook // Belarus // 2017 // 03:07 min
Music Video
Politics and Soviet leaders treated in pop-art style. A call to preserve the curious gaze of the inner child and to guide it through the years and circumstances of political regimes.
Freedom Belarus 2.0 ♥
Mikhalchuk Maria // Belarus // 2020 // 02:10 min
Music Video
The faces of strong, brave and caring women standing on the front lines in the struggle against violence. Together they symbolise Belarusian freedom, faith and honesty.
We’re going out
Arseniy Aleinik // Czech Republic // 2020 // 07:19 min
Experimental, Live Action
A conversation between two young people following the violent protests of August 2020. One of them was present as a woman was critically injured.
Sož – Malako
Al Medwedsky // Belarus // 2020 // 03:06 min
Music Video
Sož is an electro-post-punk band from Gomel. Dedicated to all those that have been persecuted for their positions, and all those who were repressed in the year 2020.
Nizkiz – Principles
Georgi Biziuk // Belarus // 2020 // 04:50 min
Music Video
Hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets to protest unlawfulness and violence. The film team was among them – their documentation enables us to take part in the events.
Страшный Суд
The last judgement
Veronika Bolotina // Germany, Belarus // 2021 // 13:00 min
Live Action
A short film takes matters even further, to the court hearing of the highest authority and a highest being. The judges are the angels who are now judging those working for the regime and working as judges during their lifetime. The film is both frightening and comical, and in its essence politically neutral.
Let’s Meet Tonight
Maxim Bujnicki // Poland // 2022 // 08:18 min
Live Action
Sergej and Olesja work together in a factory. He is Belarusian, she is Ukrainian. A date between the two becomes a sort of revenge for all the suffering the war has inflicted.
Dai Darogu – Lullaby
Vova Jodov // Belarus // 2020 // 04:10 min
Music Video
A music video featuring a computer game aesthetic that reflects on the events of the protests in August 2020. The clip was rated “politically extreme” in Belarus in 2021.
Sands – Woods – Carriage
Sviatlana Kazlouskaya / Kiryl Halitski // Belarus // 2019 // 21:00 min
Live Action
He spoke to her on the beach. She wanted to be left in peace and walked away. He followed her and made her day hellish. It could have played out differently though.
Date: 17. November 2022, 18:30
Venue: Unterfilm Clubkino / Saarbrücker Str. 23, im Keller unter dem Jugendclub, 10405 Berlin
Tickets: 9 EUR, or 7 EUR with Berliner Pass or Student I.D.
Promoter: Fernando Huerta for Mobile Kino
Thursday 17 November
Unterfilm Clubkino
Fernando Huerta for Mobile Kino